“Come as living stones, and let yourselves be used in building the spiritual temple, where you will serve as holy priests to offer spiritual and acceptable sacrifices to God through Jesus Christ.” 1 Peter 2:5 (GNT)
In the Old Testament, priests did two things:
- They had the right, privilege, and responsibility to go directly to God. They could pray and talk to God, worship, and fellowship with God. Everybody else had to go through a priest.
- The priest had the privilege and responsibility of representing God to the people and ministering to the needs of other people (serving).
Those are the very two things that are true of you when you become a believer.
The Bible says that when Jesus died on the cross, there was a veil in the temple that separated the Holy of Holies, where God’s Spirit was, from where man was. Only priests could go behind that veil once a year. When Jesus died on the cross, God ripped that veil—about 70 feet—from top to bottom, symbolizing that there no longer was a barrier.
You now have direct access to God. You don’t have to pray through anybody else. You don’t have to confess through anybody else. You don’t have to fellowship with God through anybody else. Read your Bible, talk with the Lord, and fellowship directly with him.
You have also been gifted for ministry to serve other people. Every Christian is a minister—not a pastor, but a minister. Anytime you use your talents and gifts to help others, you are ministering.
The Bible says, “
For God saved us and called us to live a holy life. He did this, not because we deserved it, but because that was his plan from before the beginning of time—to show us his grace through Christ Jesus” (2 Timothy 1:9 NLT).
One of the reasons God saved you is so you could serve him and others.
How do you know what your ministry is? Look at your talents, gifts, and abilities. When you use those talents and gifts to help other people, that’s called ministry—nothing fancy or scary about it. It’s just helping others.
Can you serve God in a sales office? Yes, you can. Can you serve God as an accountant? Of course. Driving a truck? Absolutely. Anytime you’re helping other people in God’s name, you’re ministering.
Talk It Over
- Why is having direct access to God significant? How is that making a difference in your life and ministry?
- How are you using your gifts and abilities to serve God and others?
Please make note of Pastor Mike's cell phone number (239-257-8035) and
email. He does not check email daily, so if you need to get in touch with him, the best way is through a text or phone call. If he does not answer, please leave a message.
- Sunday School with Debbie Woodard at 9:00am on Zoom.
Meeting ID: 852 143 427
Password: Nazarene
- Sunday morning service will continued to be live streamed on Facebook for those unable to be with us in the church building.
- Youth Group with Elizabeth Hunter on Zoom (please contact Elizabeth if you need the access information).
- Wednesday Night Bible Study with Debbie Woodard, 6:30 pm on Facebook Live. (NOTE: Cancelled for July 22)
- Prayer and Bible Study with Richard Baisden at 7pm on Zoom.
Meeting ID: 968 0414 4773
Password: Nazarene
Given that Davidson County is still in Phase 2, all
exercise classes have been cancelled. When we return to Phase 3, a decision will be made for reopening the classes.
Please continue your faithful giving through
Givelify, Paypal or mailing of your checks.
Uncommon Grounds: We are so pleased with the coffee shop ministry. We have many people stop by throughout the week. Please, support the coffee shop ministry by stopping by before or after service for a coffee or tea. You may bring your drink with you into the service, as long as you keep the lid on the cup. Let's all do our part to keep the church facilities nice and clean, especially that new carpet!