We are in a series for the next few weeks entitled: Sheepish
It’s about the lessons that come from Psalms 23. Each week we will be sharing about the sermon and emailing thoughts, scriptures and ideas for you to pray and journal about.
Our sermon this week was on:
CONTENTMENT. The three major points were this:
1. Look at what you have, not what you don’t have.
2. Measure your life in terms of blessings, not possessions.
3. What you really need will come to you when you really need it.
Here is the assignment for this week. It's very simple, it'll take hardly more than five minutes a day, and it will help the message of Psalm 23 infiltrate your daily life at the deepest level. You just need your notebook or day planner or any piece of paper that you can hang on to for the next seven days. Here's what you do.
1. Memorize verse one. At the top of the page, write the first verse found in Psalms 23: "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want." Say this phrase every day, at least once a day, and as often as you remember thereafter.
2. Say thanks for your things. Each day for the next seven days, write three material things you're thankful for as they exist right now. "My car gets me to work. My job pays the bills. My backyard is beautiful." etc.
3. Count your blessings. Each day for the next seven days, write three intangible things you're thankful for. These are possessions that you can buy or sell, these are blessings that God has placed in your life. "My wife or husband is a great cook. My daughter has a beautiful laugh. I love the music of Bach. It's a sunny day." Etc.
4. Start a prayer list. The last thing. Make a list of the things you need. As you think of them, write them down, and make them a matter of prayer. As you include each item, you can say: "God, I will not worry about this. I present it to you. If I really need it, and it's the best thing for me, I know you'll provide. Otherwise, I know I can make do without it. I trust you to take care of me."
The Lord is your shepherd. There is no need for you to live your life in anything less than the fullness of his peace, because he's a good shepherd. He's looking after you.
THIS SATURDAY, July 31, from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM, featuring vendors, bake sale, live music, silent auction, free food, and kids activities.
We still need volunteers! - contact Rhonda Emanuelson. (If you are signed up for a 9:00 AM shift on Saturday, please come at 8:45 AM for a quick meeting in the sanctuary.) Click this link and share with your friends and neighbors.
YOUTH GROUP NEWS!! Bring a friend and join us for fun, fellowship, and growing in Christ. Youth Group meets on Tuesdays from 6-8pm
. The first hour will be games and snacks and the second will be the Bible study with a dive into Romans. BRING A FRIEND AND JOIN US! Contact Brice for more information.
WORKERS ARE NEEDED. Please let us know if you can help in the following areas...
- the Children's Department.
- to serve as ushers and greeters.

CHURCH CENTER: You are invited to join us on the Church Center app! Church Center is a place to connect with small groups and church events, send messages to your group, update your profile, and more! Download from the App Store and connect today. If you have trouble with setting up or updating your profile to keep your contact information up to date, see Jenn Houchin or Terri Ray.
FOOD PANTRY: The Old Hickory Nazarene location is open on Wednesday from 5:00-7:00 PM. Volunteers and donations are needed.
COFFEE SHOP: Uncommon Grounds is open every Monday-Saturday from 7:00 AM-2:00 PM. Invite a friend and use this great outreach to introduce the church to your friends.
TAEKWONDO: If you are interested in free Taekwondo classes please email for more information.
Debbie Woodard leads the Young Adult class in person and via ZOOM for anyone who would like to join. They meet Sunday mornings at 9am in the classroom beside the new office.
Meeting ID: 868 1977 8952
Password: Bible101
Kenneth Ray & Gracie Smith lead the Friendship Class in person and via ZOOM for anyone who would like to join. They meet Sunday mornings at 9am in the classroom down the hall and to the right of the office.
Meeting ID: 846 6822 8046
Password: Bible101
Brice Rupert leads the teens class (6-12), Kelsey Quillen leads the kids class (k-5), both in person at 9:00am. We have kids classes for all ages.
SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP begins at 10:00am in the sanctuary. The services will continue to be live streamed on Facebook and our website home page for those unable to be with us in the church building.
OH|KIDS CHURCH for K-5th grade meets in the kids room downstairs during the worship hour at 10:00am.
Coffee & Community Bible Study every other Tuesday at 9:30am in the Coffee Shop. Next meeting is on August 3.
Wednesday Night Bible Study with Debbie Woodard is on Facebook Live (from Debbie's page) at 6:30pm.
Richard leads prayer and devotional on Thursdays at 7:00 PM via ZOOM for anyone who would like to join.
Meeting ID: 894 2501 3143
Password: Prayer605