Happy New Year OH YEAH Family!
I hope the holidays have been treating you well. We have had several teens & family members who have been sick and I'm praying everyone is starting to feel better.
- Friday, January 24, 6pm-9pm: Movie Night and Nacho Bar in the youth room. This event is free and students are encouraged to invite their friends.
- Wednesday, January 29, 6pm-730pm: We are bringing back our once a month youth dinner in the community. Each month we will pick a different place in the community to have dinner out with each other. We will also celebrate the birthdays from that month on that night.
- March 14th-16th: 2nd Annual Spring Retreat... more information to come soon.
- Sunday, January 5, 9am: Week 2 of Come and See. Questions you can use to talk with your teen about the lesson will be on the Facebook page each week. This week we will be studying John 1:43-51 & focusing on the importance of extending Christ's invitation of eternal life to others.
- Wednesday, Jan 8, 6pm-730pm: Mid week service will continue our series on Life in 6 Words- G.O.S.P.E.L.
Student Leadership Team (SLT) applications are due Wed. Jan 8th. We are so excited about this opportunity to give some of our students the chance for leadership and additional discipleship. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out.
Love & Prayers,
Elizabeth Reid
OH YEAH Student Ministries
Youth Director