
  • “Abraham believed in the God who brings the dead back to life and who creates new things out of nothing” (Romans 4:17b NLT).

    There are certain dead-end words in life, including “cancer,” “divorce,” “bankruptcy,” “infertility,” and “unemployment.”

    How do you know when you’re at a dead end? You know it when things get out of your control and you can’t do anything about it.

    When you’re stuck and waiting for deliverance, you need to remember what God can do. The situation may be out of your control, but it’s not out of God’s control. When you face a dead end, don’t focus on what you can’t do. Focus instead on what God can do.

    Romans 4:17b says, “Abraham believed in the God who brings the dead back to life and who creates new things out of nothing” (NLT).

    Here are two things God does that you can’t do: He can give life to the dead, and he can create something out of nothing. If God can give life to a dead man, he can give life to a dead career. He can bring life to that dead marriage. He can bring life to that dead dream. He can bring life to that financial dead end.

    It wasn’t just positive thinking that helped Abraham. Positive thinking works fine in situations you can control. But positive thinking is not faith. They are two very different things.

    In situations that are out of your control, positive thinking is worthless. It’s just wishful thinking. It doesn’t change the situation. When you face things that are out of your control, you need something more than a positive mental attitude. You need faith in God, because he can control it when you can’t. Most of life is beyond your control, so you need faith far more than you need positive thinking.

    Jesus says in Luke 18:27, “What is impossible with man is possible with God” (NIV). God specializes in the impossible. It’s called a miracle, and he can do it in your life! He is ready to turn your dead end into deliverance.

    • What dead end are you facing today?
    • Why is it sometimes difficult to admit that something is out of your control?
    • What’s the result of having faith in God even at a dead end? How does it change you? How does it change your circumstances?


    All Church Lunch THIS Sunday: Please join us as we say goodbye to Pastor Mike and Kelly. We will be collecting a love offering and cards, as well as having a church potluck in the FLC immediately after service on April 10. Please bring two sides and a dessert, if you are able!

    Men's Lunch: Men meet for a time of food and fellowship every 1st Tuesday of the month at noon. Location TBD.

    Women of Joy Conference: OH Women, please join us October 7-9th in Pigeon Forge to worship and fellowship together.

    Men's Conference: OH Men, please join us on May 5th to hear Tim Tebow speak. A sign up sheet will be at the connection table in the lobby.

    Youth Bunch to Lunch will be every 2nd Sunday. Teens will meet after worship for lunch and fellowship.

    WORKERS ARE NEEDED! Please let us know if you can help in the following areas:

    • in the Children's Department.
    • to serve as ushers and greeters.
    • to volunteer in the food pantry.

    CHURCH CENTER: You are invited to join us on the Church Center app! Church Center is a place to connect with small groups and church events, send messages to your group, update your profile, and more! Download from the App Store and connect today. If you have trouble with setting up or updating your profile (make sure your contact information is correct!), see Jenn Houchin.

    Food Pantry: The Old Hickory Nazarene location is open by appointment. Please text or call Pastor Mike at (239) 257-8035. Volunteers and non-perishable donations are needed.

    Coffee Shop: Uncommon Grounds is open every Monday-Saturday from 7:00 AM-2:00 PM. Invite a friend and use this great outreach to introduce the church to your friends.

    GYM: Our gym will be open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 8:00am for anyone who wants to walk.



    Debbie Woodard leads the Young Adult class in person and via ZOOM for anyone who would like to join.
    Meeting ID: 868 1977 8952
    Password: Bible101

    Kenneth Ray & Gracie Smith lead the Friendship Class in person for anyone who would like to join.

    Brice Rupert leads the teens class (grades 6-12), Joey Cook leads the kids class (grades k-5), both in person at 9:00am. We have kids classes for all ages.

    SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP begins at 10:00am in the sanctuary. The services will continue to be live streamed on Facebook and our website home page for those unable to be with us in the church building.

    OH|KIDS CHURCH. K-5th grade kids will gather in the sanctuary at 10:00am for worship then go downstairs for OH|Kids church.

    Coffee & Community Bible Study every other Tuesday at 9:30am in the Coffee Shop. Next meeting is on April 12.

    YOUTH GROUP meets from 6-8pm. The first hour will be games and snacks and the second will be the Bible study.

    Wednesday Night Bible Study with Debbie Woodard is on Facebook Live (from Debbie's page) at 6:30pm.

    Richard leads prayer and devotional on Thursdays at 7:00 PM via ZOOM for anyone who would like to join. You are invited to join the Thursday Night Prayer Group on the Church Center App. You can quickly submit a praise or prayer request and be in prayer for others as requests come in.
    Meeting ID: 894 2501 3143
    Password: Prayer605

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