“There is nothing in us that allows us to claim that we are capable of doing this work. The capacity we have comes from God; it is he who made us capable of serving the new covenant.” 2 Corinthians 3:5-6 (GNT)
Success means just being who God made you to be. Knowing this should give you enormous confidence. But you might admit that you’re not very confident most of the time. Maybe you’re just flat out insecure. You may act like you’re confident, but some things about you even you don’t like.
Why are you lacking in confidence? There are two reasons.
First, you’re trying to be somebody that God didn’t shape you to be. And that’s scary, because you can’t be anybody else.
“There is nothing in us that allows us to claim that we are capable of doing this work. The capacity we have comes from God; it is he who made us capable of serving the new covenant” (2 Corinthians 3:5-6 GNT).
You’re only going to gain confidence when you discover your capacity—how God shaped you. That includes your spiritual gifts, heart, abilities, personality, and experiences.
The other reason you often lack confidence is that you depend on your own power instead of God’s power. That’s a guarantee for failure! Even though God has put a certain capacity in you, he hasn’t made you able to do it all on your own. God never meant for you to go through life on your own power. He meant for you to depend on him.
A blender is designed to blend things, but it’s worthless unless it’s plugged in to power. If the blender just sits there and is never plugged in, it’s useless. It can’t fulfill its purpose.
God has given you capabilities, but they’re worthless unless you’re plugged in to his power through the Holy Spirit. With Christ, you have everything you need to live with confidence.
The Bible says in Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things [which He has called me to do] through Him who strengthens and empowers me [to fulfill His purpose—I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency; I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him who infuses me with inner strength and confident peace]” (AMP)
Talk it over
- How have you experienced the power of the Holy Spirit in your life?
- In what practical ways can you get plugged in to God’s power?
- What are the specific ways God has given you the capacity to fulfill your purpose?
- Sunday School with Debbie Woodard at 9:00am on Zoom.
Meeting ID: 852 143 427
Password: Nazarene
- Sunday morning worship begins at 10:00am in the sanctuary. The service will continue to be live streamed on Facebook (and our website home page) for those unable to be with us in the church building.
- OH | Kids Church will start back on Sunday October 18 at 10am with Pastor Maddie! Please see her if you can help. Until then, catch the lesson videos on OH | Kids Facebook.
- Youth Group with Elizabeth Hunter on Zoom (please contact Elizabeth if you need the access information).
- Wednesday Night Bible Study with Debbie Woodard, 6:30 pm on Facebook Live.
- Prayer and Bible Study with Richard Baisden at 7pm on Zoom.
Meeting ID: 968 0414 4773
Password: Nazarene
FOOD PANTRY: The pantry is open on Tuesday and Thursday from 10:00am - 1:00pm and Wednesday from 5:00pm - 7:00pm. Volunteers and donations are needed. Please let Pastor know if you can help.
CHAIR YOGA: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 8:30am. Contact Anita Woods for more information.
COFFEE SHOP: Uncommon Grounds is open every Monday - Saturday from 7:00am - 2:00pm and Sunday from 8:00am - noon. Invite a friend and use this great outreach to introduce the church to your friends.
KELLY'S CLOSET: Kelly needs volunteers to help serve women in need of clothing and support. Please see Kelly for more information on how you can get involved or donate.
SECRETARY NEEDED: We are looking for a part-time secretary to help at the church. If you know of anyone, please have them contact Pastor Mike or Terri Ray.
WEDNESDAY NIGHT MEALS: We are considering starting Wednesday meals back on October 14 if there is enough interest. Please see Pastor Mike, drop a card in the offering plate on Sunday morning, or reply to this email if you are interested in coming.
TRUNK OR TREAT: October 31 from 6:00pm - 8:00pm. We are looking for volunteers to decorate vehicles, and help with food, setup, and cleanup. If you can help in any capacity please
click the link and sign up, or connect with Elizabeth Hunter or Pastor Maddie. We also need candy donations, which can be dropped off in the church foyer.
BOARD MEETING: Sunday, October 11 at 4:30pm.
FOOD TRUCK FOR THE HOLIDAYS: We are making plans to bring a tractor trailer of food to the community in November to help those who are in need of food for the holidays. This was such a blessing to many families last year, and we want to do it again. This year, we need to raise $650 to haul the food in. Please see Pastor Mike if you can help with this cost or if you're available to help with distribution of the food.
KITCHEN CLEAN-UP: Our kitchen is in need of clean-up and organization. Please see Kelly if you are available.
COMMUNITY YOUTH BASKETBALL OPEN GYM: The gym will be open every Saturday through October from 9:00am - noon for junior and senior high school age students.