When you click on the DONATE button below, you will be directed to PayPal, designed from the ground up to be one of the safest ways to send money online. Unlike other financial institutions, payments are sent without sharing financial information. In fact, PayPal never shares your financial information with or sells it to merchants.
If you want to designate your gift (Missions, Building Fund, etc.) you may do that in the next to the last PayPal window by clicking on the phrase "Add special instructions to the seller." You will then have a box to enter your instructions for designating your gift. If there is no note, then the gift will be considered as regular tithes and offerings.
Givelify also has a mobile app that lets you give quickly and easily, and even accurately track your donations for taxes. Once you install the app, enter Old Hickory Church of the Nazarene in the search bar to make your gift. CLICK HERE to download the app.
Prefer to mail a check? Send it to us here:
605 Jones Street
Old Hickory, TN 37138